The TMF Viewer allows you to manage a TMF by browsing dynamically organized content according to the TMF Reference Model 3.0. You can further filter on Study Country and Study Site for more specific results.
Vault structures the TMF Viewer in a hierarchical view, allowing you to view all documents for a single Study. You can see both active and inactive document types within the TMF Viewer.
Note: Documents in inactive lifecycle states are not visible in the TMF Viewer.
Using the TMF Viewer
- From the TMF Workspace, navigate to the TMF Viewer tab.
- Complete the yellow fields for the broadest view of a study.
- Select a Study from the study selector.
- Select TMF RM 3.0 from the view selector. The TMF Viewer displays a hierarchical structure of folders containing all the documents related to the study you selected.
- Optional: To further condense the view, you can also select a Study Country and Site to apply additional filters.
Note: Your Study, Study Country, Site, and View selections will persist, even when you navigate away from the page.
Viewing Document Details
- Hover over a document name to view document details.
- You can click the pop-out icon (
) in the document hovercard to view that document in the mini-browser window while maintaining your current view in the TMF Viewer. Make sure pop-ups are enabled in your browser to open the mini-browser viewer.
Viewing Previous Versions
Use the > icons next to each document link to expand or collapse all previous versions of the document that you have View Document permission for. Vault displays the version of each document in its own column. After navigating to a document, you can use the breadcrumb links to return to the TMF Viewer.
Viewing Archived Documents
The TMF Viewer displays only active or archived documents at a time. When you select an active Study from the selector, you’ll see all active documents associated with that study, but no archived documents. When you select an archived Study from the selector, you’ll see all archived documents associated with that study, but no active documents.
Customizing the TMF Viewer
You can use column headings to sort documents on specific fields, just as you would in your Library. You can add or remove columns as long as the total number of columns is no more than fifteen (15). When text within a cell exceeds column width, you can use the Wrap Text action to display text on multiple lines in the cell to increase readability.
Additionally, you can Expand All sections of the folder hierarchy, as long as the total number of document types represented within the study is 4000 or less. If the total number of document types present is above 4000, you will need to further filter results before you can expand all sections.
Column Filters
Use the column filters to filter on Classification, Status, Document Date, picklists, and object reference fields to narrow your document list. Click the filter () icon next to the column name, enter conditions, and click Apply. Filters will persist, even when you navigate away from the page.
The TMF Viewer does not support filtering on Text, Number, DateTime, Currency, or Formula fields.
Filter by Filing Level
You can filter the TMF Viewer to display only study-, study site-, or study country-level documents. To do this, add the Filing Level column to the TMF Viewer to see the document’s level. You can filter on that field to exclude child-level documents from your view.